Global Travel Investments Ltd (GTI), is led by the Queen’s Award winner Mike Howarth, an aviation entrepreneur and creator of world renown platforms in the commercial aviation sector, focused on airlines and airports, from corporate events to aviation trainings to cover the gaps and foresee further complexities to advance the industry. Airport Drone Protection (ADP) was born out of those aviation trainings.
ADP gained instant attention from the industry due to being the first and ONLY training-event focused on Counter unmanned aerial systems or C-UAS for airports and airlines, highlighting the importance of counter-drone to protect airfields, airdromes or aerodromes and airspace from the risk posed by unmanned aerial vehicles, UAV or drones to avoid potential airprox to flying aircrafts and the complexity of choosing the right drone protection for airports.
Currently, whether is a Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) or an Air Navigation Authority, Transport Authority, Port Authority or Critical Infrastructure the increasing concern of UAVs are making them look into getting involved in the defence industry to protect their facilities or to adapt themselves to the future in transport and UAV industry and understand properly the drone protection systems out there.
Adaptation to UAV, not only means gaining knowledge about defence or counter drone systems CUAS technologies and solutions, it is of vital importance to learn about U-Space to understand how to manage UAS traffic and Urban Air Mobility (UAM) with new systems like Unmanned Aircraft System Traffic Management (UTM) and understand the role of Common Information Service Provider (CISP) (via an electronic conspicuity system) devices approved by the U-space regulation (ADS-B, FLARM, Network ID, etc.), air traffic management (ATM) common information exchange from the Competent Authority, Air Navigation Service Provider (ANSP) and U-Space Service Provider (USSP) with clients for an efficient and safe access to airspace for large numbers of unmanned aircraft, operating autonomously or beyond visual line of sight, etc.
Is a must, to understand, regulations as of what anti-drone or counter-UAS or counter drone solution for detection or mitigation are allowed by regulators, law enforcement, military, etc. Which, vendors are out there, which ones are actually legit companies or deliver what they promise and what type of anti drone or counter drone for airports are the right ones or how to build a proper drone protection system for airports.
Additionally, defence is whole landscape to explore but is key for the smooth operations of your airport, deliberate attacks, etc and to know the different categories: modular counter-drone systems, Command & Control software or C2 systems, Sensing for Asset Protection with Integrated Electronic Networked Technology (SAPIENT) standards, Monitoring equipment and countermeasures. Understand the different types of counter or anti drone technology (CUAS), from camera systems and specialist drone detection radar to net guns and hacking or cyber takeover systems, like Drone Monitoring Equipment: Radio Frequency (RF) Analysers, Acoustic Sensors, Optical Sensors (Cameras), radar and Micro-doppler effect radars. However, its not only about detection there’s also mitigation like Drone Countermeasure Equipment: Neutralising a drone, physically destroying a drone, taking control or hacking of a drone using equipment like Radio Frequency Jammers, GPS Spoofers, High Power Microwave (HPM) Devices, Nets and Net Guns, Highenergy lasers, Cyber Takeover Systems all this can be static or mobile or handheld devices they can also be Integrating it all together or if they are scalable, sensor-agnostic, and user-friendly C2 solutions.
Drone attacks to airports or airport drone intrusions are becoming more common as time passes, drone invasion to privacy pose a risk to cyber security, cyber attacks with drones are also becoming a thing. Now a drone can perform a cyberattack just by approaching a building, jeopardising cybersecurity and database of any organization.
No need to feel overwhelmed thinking its impossible to understand all the above. At Airport Drone Protection we discuss all this, learning, from top minds and top experts in the industry, from real-life experiences in a practical congress of only 3 days in a professional and club-like ambience with senior aviation and defence industry professionals networking, sharing and feeding each other with experiences and knowledge. UAV, UAS and CUAS are evolving faster than virtually any other technology seen before, that even regulators and insurances can’t keep up. It is imperative and necessary to catch up and keep yourself or your organization up to date each year at ADP.
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United Kingdom
Airport Drone Protection
82 King Street
M2 4WQ
United Kingdom